May 21, 2011

On Dusting Off Old Things

It seems my blog and my journal have one thing in common: How often I update them both. (Although, to be fair, I've updated my Blog a lot more then my Journal.) But, I thought it was that time of the year where I dust off this ol' thing and start posting again. Since I've also been considering to dump dA and pick up blogging. Before ya'll jump on my case about me posting art on dA and Blogger, I'd like to say I know. It's like going from Windows 7 to Windows XP. A step back, a downgrade. Well, whatever. I like blogger and I can use it from most anywhere, on my phone or on the computer.

Anyways, along with starting to use blogger again, I've also got to update the look. the 1280x800 wallpaper ain't really cutting it. I also want to post tutorials and news updates on my life and how things are going if it's cool. Kind of like (how cliche) a window of what's going on around me.

Anyways, I think that's it. Thanks for reading.