October 31, 2009

On Halloween (pt. 2)

From Sunset to midnight, people celebrate this day of the year. The one day where offically we can be someone else. We live the fantasy of the person we like, admire, hate, envy, or just someone else. It is an escape from reality, and if the costumes are in theme, it's a perfect world.

Imagine, You are Sora from Kingdom Hearts. You fight the heartless as you try and find Riku and King Micky. Maybe you're Master Chief from Halo, fighting Elites and Brutes to stop the prophets from firing the rings. Perhaps your Takkun or Haruko from FLCL, wielding your 'Bat'. Or maybe you're Batman or Joker saying that goddamned overused phrase "Why So Serious?". Maybe you're Edward or Bella from Twilight. Perhaps you're person is from a book, or game. Fictional or non-fictional, you chose to be someone else.

One last part to this whole article (all be it a mighty short article): Why are you still indoors? Tonight's a night that you celebrate with friends. Shouldn't you be out there with them, egging houses, drinking heavily at parties, and whatnot? Why are you still on the computer.

October 24, 2009

On Halloween (pt. 1)

Fall has been here for quiet a while. The kids have been in school, inside from the dropping temperatures. People are hugging their coffee more, getting warmth from that small cup of caffeine. Elementary and possible some Middle Schoolers are looking forward to the last saturday of the month. October 31st is going to be a fun evening.

Halloween, All Hallow's Eve, and All Saint's Day have all the same day in mind. To most, it's a day to be someone or something different. The trend the people are a werewolf, a witch, a nurse, many different things, fictional and non-fictional. We carve out vegetables with faces on them. Some artist are actually creative on this festival and make out cool patterns and designs. It's a day both adults and children enjoy with the same kind of thing in mind. Although I'm not too sure, the traditional door-to-door trick or treating may still be going on. Although I prefer the adult version: Pick an outfit (sluty or otherwise), enjoy small snacks, spike the punch, socialize, and play odd games that would reveal more then you would like to.

Hallow's Eve is actually one of my favorite times of the year. One of them, not my all time favorite. Comics that I read mostly take place when the weather is getting colder like Two Kinds and Dream Keeeprs. It seems that the fall is a good place to start a story because most people seem to come together around this time of the year. It's also the beginning of the romantic season but that's another post for another time.

It's My Fur(My current art project) is currently taking place in this time of the year. As the leaves turn, nothing becomes more interesting then the imagination of others during this time of the year.

October 17, 2009

On "Halo 3: ODST"

About a year ago, Bungie Studios announced a mini expansion pack for Halo 3. Less then 3 month's later, the idea was scrapped, throwing the old name "Halo 3: Recon" away and replacing it with a story "Halo 3: ODST" It was then they made a campaign out of the idea. Being a Halotard myself, I thought "Cool. I get to play as someone other then the Master Chief. No overshields and what not." Right, so I got all excited and pre ordered. They introduced their new play mode called "Firefight". As they described it in the Bungie Podcast, I thought, "Okay, it's Gears of War 2's horde play mode" (Which turned out to be exactly right). They kept talking about how they always played "Firefight" in its early development and how they would always play on unnamed sites, calling them so because they didn't want to spoil it.

Well... About a month ago, the game released and Halo fans young and old picked up their copy. The girl at the Babbage's that I picked up my copy said that kids were skipping school, just to pick up their copy. I had to laugh a little because I would have done the same. I came home and waited, co-oping the game on solo with my brother that night. we played it on normal and like most games, It was the unknown that made the game harder. After we finished it on normal I solo'd it on legendary, something I'd never been able to do with Halo, Halo 2, and only half way with Halo 3. I beat it again in under 3 days on solo legendary. Sure the snipers were a pain but I knew what to expect. The campaign with Buck was annoyingly easy because after you snipe the snipers and kill the brutes, You don't even have to face the hunters. They run so slow you just run right past them, through the doorway and down to the drop pod.

The rest of the game was easy. After picking up my first partner, I found that the immortal bots are immortal. You could headshot them, stick them, laser them, hammer them, blow them up and as long as they didn't fall down a shaft, they did all the work for you. I had more trouble on firefight then anything else and that's because most of my partners kept dying. sure we each got 1 life more every round but they died every time we reached the "Black Eye Skull" round. I reached Par on all the maps, playing on easy with my brother. We would hit them within the 3rd set (5 waves to a round, 3 rounds a set, infinite number of sets.)(Par on all maps is 200,000 points)

Great. So now that I've given away some details on the game, I just have one last achivement to unlock and I'm finished with gaming for a little while. Just gotta wait for my copy of Left 4 Dead 2 to come out and I can play and review that and then save enough money to go back to playing Fallout 3. Hope I didn't spoil anything for ya guys.

October 10, 2009

On Homebrew Cafe Blog

So I got this blog started and not too sure if anyone is following. Regardless of if there are readers or not, I intend to use this blog. Starting every week, as best as I can, I'll update this blog on sometime on Saturdays. I already said in the first post that this blog was going to be about games, art, and stuff. I'd like to break it down for you.

"On" Media post will be labeled in detail as the title. It may or may not have spoilers so If you want to read, you should be ready for what you're about to see. Media, in this term, is a wide range of music, movies, games, internet, books, and what not. I'm stating is right now because my post will be commentable. These posts stated are opinions. The first one that I read saying what I say isn't right, the article will be closed to comments. It's not about what's right and wrong, its about a point of view.

"On" Art post are rather different. If the post does not have a subject title like a game or a book or something that you don't recognize, It's just an artistic point of view. How I view things, how I think others might see them, and so on and so forth. It's more of a training exercise for drawing a scene with words rather then my usual pencil and paper.

Most of my articles I cannot guarantee that there may or may not be some level of swearing and obscenities in there. For that, I would like you to be informed that I am not sorry for what I say unless otherwise stated. My words are mine to choose and your words are yours to choose. For that, I respect what you have to say even if you don't think I do.

Well... enough with the formality shit. Welcome to Homebrew Cafe and I hope you enjoy reading it.

October 3, 2009

*Tap* *Tap* This Thing On?

*Mic whiiineeess* Testing one-two, check, one-two. Hello?
Hey there! I don't know how you found this blog but I could care less about that. Welcome to the backwaters of cyberspace people call the internet! You've either randomly stumbled across this blog through some random google search for porn (I hope not) or it was link someplace else. Either way, I'm glad you're here. So, what's this blog about? I couldn't tell ya what it's exactly about but I know its going to end up being a list of my projects and previews and stuff for art, life, etc.

Anyways, It's always polite to say hello so that's pretty much what this blog is about. Oh and if there's nothing on my plate at the moment, I'll try and review some stuff like games, books, movies, etc. Pretty much this is a throw away blogger with post that most no one could care about. I hope you enjoy it :3.