October 24, 2009

On Halloween (pt. 1)

Fall has been here for quiet a while. The kids have been in school, inside from the dropping temperatures. People are hugging their coffee more, getting warmth from that small cup of caffeine. Elementary and possible some Middle Schoolers are looking forward to the last saturday of the month. October 31st is going to be a fun evening.

Halloween, All Hallow's Eve, and All Saint's Day have all the same day in mind. To most, it's a day to be someone or something different. The trend the people are a werewolf, a witch, a nurse, many different things, fictional and non-fictional. We carve out vegetables with faces on them. Some artist are actually creative on this festival and make out cool patterns and designs. It's a day both adults and children enjoy with the same kind of thing in mind. Although I'm not too sure, the traditional door-to-door trick or treating may still be going on. Although I prefer the adult version: Pick an outfit (sluty or otherwise), enjoy small snacks, spike the punch, socialize, and play odd games that would reveal more then you would like to.

Hallow's Eve is actually one of my favorite times of the year. One of them, not my all time favorite. Comics that I read mostly take place when the weather is getting colder like Two Kinds and Dream Keeeprs. It seems that the fall is a good place to start a story because most people seem to come together around this time of the year. It's also the beginning of the romantic season but that's another post for another time.

It's My Fur(My current art project) is currently taking place in this time of the year. As the leaves turn, nothing becomes more interesting then the imagination of others during this time of the year.

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