November 14, 2009

On Being Broke

This author has come to realize one general truth: "Being broke sucks". Now, they say "The best thing's in life are free", but I humbly disagree. True, it does not cost to draw, but for that matter neither does playing with a game on a console*. It's the materials that cost, however. Although, yes, it is cheaper to buy a pencil and paper, you're imagination is your limit. With gaming, it cost a little more with a little less brainpower. Now you could throw away both these ideas and play with a ball... but that too would cost a little pocket money. Your best bet: Go play with a rock.

Now, a solution to this problem of being broke is simple. However, following up with it is not. If you are reading this in weeks of its publishing date, We are in a recession. If you read this in some time in the future, lucky or unlucky you. Now, in this economical recession, there are few things going on. Right now, people may be loosing their jobs. Perfectly good mediocre people too. Why? Because the employers can't afford to pay them. Currently, big name company's are laying people off so the plushy C.E.O.'s who live comfortable lives with family and friends can continue to do so. The middle class and below are the ones suffering.

But for the unfortunate people like me are not as lucky. See, in my situation, I have currently been looking for a job since Junior year of high school. I have not been lucky. I have not even been called except for one occasion. It just so happened, I was living in the basement of a friends house when I got the call for an interview**. My roommate just so happened to work that day and so I got a ride from him. However, due to a misunderstanding on his behalf, I was 30 minutes late to the interview. needless to say, I didn't get a callback or a callback number. Lucky me.

So here I sit, filling out applications that are now online. I don't mind the new age ushering in a new way for employment. I don't like filling out applications online. Call me paranoid, but in the new age where identity thief is one of the most common threats, I just don't feel safe even with the security certificate. Hacks and cracks are little something's I'm familiar with. I prefer to hand in a hand written applications.

So I sit here, Waiting weeks on end for a call, a single call, on my cell. After playing games, starting up a webcomic, and chatting with trolls and newbs alike, I wish I had a job. Something to break this mediocre repeating life. In the mean time, I will write. In the mean time, I will draw. In the mean time, I will game. In the mean time...

(*Save for a few games that require that you pay-to-play)
I'd like to point out, before I go on, I never had money for car insurance until my 18th birthday. I owned a motorcycle which I still can't ride because you need a car license for a motorcycle license. This is for another time however)

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