December 2, 2010

On The Go

Normally I would wait until Monday to post a new blog entry. However, I believe that this entry merits a special update. That and I hadn't updated on It's My Fur webcomic either.

The reason why this entry is a "special" update is because I'm posting "on the go", so to speak. My Christmas gift (ZOMG, I stole from Santa!) was an Android powered tablet. Well, not really a tablet. More like an ebook reader. Anyways, I found a blogger app for the droid and thought "gotta go download that".

So, this is my first entry to go. Ciao.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.8

November 22, 2010

On Antique Tech

So hey. This thing is still around? Cool beans. What Should I talk about. I know. What about Blogs and Journals and stuff. I've given up on rants. It's almost detailed tot he point of being hypocritical. I've found a lot of thing's wrong with Reach, however I can't say anything anymore. I don't know much in the way of C# or Visual. I've given up on ranting about horrible fads. I'm not gay... well not in the fashion sense. And I've pretty much given up hope in the film industry. If it wasn't made from a book, there's an 85% chance it's total crap.

So, the future for this blog? I'm plugging Art. Art, Artist, Awesome Uniqueness. By using the somewhat outdated form of blogging, I'm just going to upload stuff. So I'll be updating every Monday.

Ciao for now.

January 31, 2010

On Updates

I’ve become more and more aware that I neglect to update things such as blog, comics, and life in general. So I did what comes natural to this situation: Change. I’m going to be updating on a monthly basis rather than a week to week basis where I come up with small things to talk about. Rather than jabbering on about some random stuff, I’ll just be going a little bit more in depth about it.

Recently, I went through my old pictures and web comic archives and re-read a rather good one by a certain Jay Naylor called ‘Better Days’. The story mostly focuses on the two children Fisk and Lucy. They are raised by their widow mother, Sheila who coping with the loss of her husband by seeing other people. This does not mean in any way that she is a bad mother, but it does make for an interesting story. This series can and does get rather suggestive and graphic but nothing a crowd of 15 and older couldn’t handle.

The only reason why I bring this up is because it showed me something I keep avoiding over and over and it’s really starting to bug me. The series did end on a happy note, but there is still more to it as Naylor continues his comics in a second series called ‘Original Life’. But it’s not the comic I was going to talk about. It’s the generation of the comic.

I’ve lived my life under a rock, you might say, a sort of tunnel vision to a social life. My previous excuse to this was, and I quote ‘I have a social life. It’s on Xbox Live and IRC’. So I’m prepared to do things differently. Starting in February 2010, I’m going to go out more often, and take it one step at a time. I’m going to get a little fit, post more comics, and socialize with furries around the springs. I’m also going back to school so those people who keep telling me to update on their terms, kindly shut up. January has been a busy month for me already.

Anyways, that’s my blog entry for January. Subscribe via Atom RSS if you want to read about my life or any art or comic reviews in general.

~External Links~
Better Days -
Original Life -