November 22, 2010

On Antique Tech

So hey. This thing is still around? Cool beans. What Should I talk about. I know. What about Blogs and Journals and stuff. I've given up on rants. It's almost detailed tot he point of being hypocritical. I've found a lot of thing's wrong with Reach, however I can't say anything anymore. I don't know much in the way of C# or Visual. I've given up on ranting about horrible fads. I'm not gay... well not in the fashion sense. And I've pretty much given up hope in the film industry. If it wasn't made from a book, there's an 85% chance it's total crap.

So, the future for this blog? I'm plugging Art. Art, Artist, Awesome Uniqueness. By using the somewhat outdated form of blogging, I'm just going to upload stuff. So I'll be updating every Monday.

Ciao for now.

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